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Memorial Page



This page is dedicated to all the men and women who have given the
"Ultimate Sacrifice" for their Department and Community. God be with
your families is my prayer.

This page has a very special purpose to me. It allows me the opportunity to share with you all one of my "Fallen Officer" stories. On October 5,1996 at approximately 0240 on I-77 near the 82 mile marker my best friend lost his life on a traffic stop. Sgt. Gregory Keith Martin was conducting a traffic stop. He called the stop in as a red in color full size Dodge pickup with West Virginia registration. The telecommunicator answered him and three minutes later she checked on him as was the policy of the Yadkin County Sheriff's Office. He advised her "10-99 Yadkin" which meant "everything is OK." There was no signs of distress in his voice and two minutes later he called back and asked for a Trooper to meet him on the stop. Trooper E. V. Tate of the North Carolina State Highway Patrol was the Trooper to respond. The radio was quiet, and then Trooper. Tate called "Officer Down" I need immediate assistance. The dispatcher  got everyone enroute to the scene of the stop but it was too late for Sgt. Greg Martin. He was dead at the scene. His patrol car was still in place, blue lights on and in front of it laying near the guardrail lay the lifeless body of Sgt. Greg Martin. Every officer in Yadkin County was called out to conduct a man hunt. Adjoining counties aided in the search for the red Dodge pickup, but by the time the truck was found in a nearby town, the murderers had stolen a work van and were gone. To this day the murder of Sgt. Gregory K. Martin is listed as the only Officer murder unsolved in the state of North Carolina. Sgt. Greg Martin left behind his wife Lisa, their newborn son, a daughter and a step-son. Along with many other family members and hordes of friends and fellow officers. Our prayers are with the family that their pain will someday come to a closure. If not in this world it definitely will on Judgment Day.

If you have an "Officer Down" story you would like to share with us, please feel free to e-mail the webmaster to have it listed on this page.

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National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial

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This page updated Monday, 19 January 2004