Today our great county came under one of the most horrific
tragedies that the United States of America has ever seen. Today we found out
that "We" are not invincible against terrorism. Today we found a new
meaning to the infamous words, "In God We Trust." A month ago we
were fighting the battle to let our children pray in school and whether or not
we should be allowed to pray in public. Today we are being asked by those same
politicians to "Please pray for our country." Ladies and
gentleman...praying is exactly where we need to be.
We should be on our knees praying for forgiveness from God for
forgetting what made this great country we so love. Pray for our President and
his cabinet, and for his military advisors that they will have God's awesome
and divine intervention, that His will be done. Pray for the souls of the
people lost in this travesty, pray for the Public Servants that gave the
ultimate sacrifice to save the victims of this disaster. Pray for each and
every family member that has a loved one that will never come home again, and
finally, pray that God will search YOU, and cleanse you of your
sins so you may have ever lasting eternal life with our most holy God. This
page is dedicated to all the unseen hero's, victim's and their families. May
God Bless you in this time of need.